Updating Stock Levels and Prices Quickly
Three methods to Easily update your stock levels and prices

Select the eCommerce side menu.

Select Products from that menu.

Now you will see a list of products with input fields for Price, Cost/RRP, Stock Levels.

Type new numerical values for any of the fields and tab to the next field, each changed entry will be updated without having to edit and submit changes for every item.

You can quickly Tab between each field and update as you go.

Importing a stock list is another way

Importing a complete list of product prices, costs and stock levels all in one go, but this must be from an exported list taken from the CMS.

Export the products stock levels in either CSV or XLS

Select the 3 dots menu on the right hand side of eCommerce page

Select the export option you want to use, CSV or XLS.

In your preferred spreadsheet editor update all the prices, costs and stock levels.

Save the updated file or export as CSV (preferred)

Import that CSV file back into Stock Levels

Select the 3 dots menu on the right hand side of eCommerce page

Select Import Stock Levels.

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